Church History

Mt. Hermon is named for the majestic Mt. Hermon in Israel. Mt. Hermon is the highest peak in Israel, usually snow-capped, with its foothills forming the tributaries of the River Jordan which provides life to so much of Israel. Psalm 133:3 teaches: It is like the dew of Hermon, which falls on the mountains of Zion! For there the Lord has commanded the blessing, life forevermore.

(English Standard Version)

Mt. Hermon Lutheran Church was founded on July 26, 1896, when 38 interested Lutherans met, adopted a constitution, elected officers and called Rev. W. L. Darr as pastor. Since its beginning Mt. Hermon Lutheran Church has been served by twenty pastors including Rev. W. H. Dutton who served two different terms. Rev. Lawrence Yount served faithfully from 1962 until 2001. Pastor Gene Bruce served from 2001-2008. Pastor Tom Corbell served from 2010-2017. Pastor Will Dulin served from 2017-2021. Pastor William Ketchie served from 2022-2023, and we are currently served by Pastor Cam Duecker who has been here since 2023.

The first building was erected in 1896 and was remodeled and expanded with the addition of our present sanctuary in 1942. Our parsonage was built in 1953 and the educational building was built in 1962. The remodel of the educational building was completed in 2016 and is now twice the size. All building has been done with much “Labor of Love” by the congregation, and by God’s grace and provision the church has always remained debt-free.

Mt. Hermon Lutheran Church disaffiliated from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America on April 25, 2010. Subsequently, the church affiliated with Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC). This was a prayerful decision based solidly on the teachings of the inspired Word of God and faithfulness to the Lutheran Confessions.

Through one hundred and twenty-eight years, Mt. Hermon Lutheran Church has shared the closeness of a true community in Christ by God’s grace. Through births, deaths, baptisms, and confirmations Mt. Hermon Lutheran Church has remained a church family, always committed to each other and to our common journey with Christ. With a quiet pride in our past and eternal hope in the future, we invite you to join us in our walk with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.